
COVID Disclosure Trends Charted in New Infographic

In a new monthly infographic, we will be looking at trends in COVID-19 disclosures for material events and continuing disclosures. We start here with a summary from the pandemic's 2020 inception to March 2021.

A year of COVID-flagged disclosures

More about COVID disclosures

DPC DATA’s flagship MuniPOINTS product enable users to identify and screen for COVID disclosures at the individual CUSIP level with accuracy and confidence. The COVID-19 Disclosure Flag comes in response to strong demand from DPC’s clients for an effective tool to track the pandemic’s potentially severe impact on the fiscal/financial condition of municipal issuers.

The MuniPOINTS COVID-19 Disclosure Flag builds on our proprietary and proven workflows. These allow us to drill further into the data. As a result, we can identify and tag only those disclosures which are truly COVID-based.

Read more about the MuniPOINTS COVID-19 Disclosure Flag.

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