
DPC DATA Sponsors NFMA 2022 Conference

We’re excited to be back in person May 17-20, as a sponsor for the National Federation of Municipal Analysts (NFMA) Conference, at the Four Seasons Las Vegas.

NFMA Conference, Four Seasons Las Vegas

If you’re planning on attending the NFMA 2022 Conference in Las Vegas, stop by the DPC DATA exhibitor table. Say hello to our team and get demos of our breakthrough products, MuniCREDIT Online and MuniESG Solutions.

You’ll see how quick and easy it is to use MuniCREDIT Online to tap into DPC’s comprehensive database of financial and operating data for 22,000+ Obligors. Then with MuniESG, you’ll see how to easily access physical and carbon transition risk scores for over 90% of U.S. local governments and school districts.

On May 18, from 10:45 AM – 12:00 PM, Triet Nguyen, our VP Strategic Data Operations, joins colleagues from Charles Schwab, Assured Guaranty, and Nutshell Associates for the Finally! The Data Revolution in the Municipal Market panel. They’ll discuss data automation of issuer financials, ESG metrics and other data needs. Questions the panelists will consider include: How can this data scale and improve credit surveillance? How are regulatory bodies viewing disclosure through a data lens? If this topic is on your organization’s radar, you won’t want to miss this panel discussion.

And finally, as an attendee, you’ll have exclusive access to the NFMA 2022 Conference’s Whova mobile app, where you can check out the DPC profile, interact with our team and download our handouts and demo video.

Get the complete NFMA Conference agenda.

Hope to see you there!

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