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Brokers & Dealers

Streamlining the work of disclosure for municipal bond dealers

Muni bond dealers bear a growing burden of disclosure-related regulatory compliance. In previous years when munis were regarded as predictably safe, mere access to officially filed disclosures was the standard. Today, FINRA guidance on MSRB Rule G-17 requires dealers to discover and analyze not just official filings, but any relevant publicly available information.

The time and costs required for these efforts can be significant. Furthermore, establishing policies and processes that will stand up to regulatory scrutiny can be challenging. What often results are inefficient patchworks of sources and record-keeping.

DPC DATA has solutions to address muni bond dealers’ disclosure challenges

Refined Sector ClassificationsMuniCREDIT Solutions reduce portfolio risk and help you capture more upside from rebounding sectors by providing standardized credit data mapped to the Direct Obligor. Users are also able to group over 30,000 distinct Obligors in the municipal market into over 100 specific sector/subsectors, each with its own risk characteristics.

Underwriter Due DiligenceFilings Summary is a premium research and reporting tool that quickly and accurately compiles a bond issuer’s disclosure history. It is an essential part of evaluating an issuer’s past reporting obligations over the last 5 years.

Point of Sale DisclosureMuniPOINTS concise bond descriptions streamline bond research and are easily shared with customers. MuniDOCS Online offers access to current and historical official filings for both issue and obligor, even when filed under a new CUSIP.

Expanded DiscoveryMuniGUARD News gets dealers closer to emerging credit risk issues with timely and relevant news filtered from more than 580 local and regional news sources. These are not only linked to CUSIP but identified by relevancy.

Ongoing SurveillanceMuniGUARD Professional is the most comprehensive and customizable surveillance service available. This solution provides feeds of default-related material events as they are filed and other market events dealers may be tracking, all with the same care for validation and correct identification that is our hallmark.

Seamless Integration – All DPC DATA solutions are designed to fit into your everyday workflow. Integration is simple, rapid and CUSIP-linked in your trading and research systems.

Learn more today

Let us help you turn disclosure muni bond compliance headaches into clear-cut solutions that add value to your business.

For a demonstration, contact us today at 800-996-4747 or sales@dpcdata.com.

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